Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Progress is Made!

Yesterday Marcia was able to use the walker for nearly all our excursions out of the room. This is a huge improvement over having to call the bellman to push her in the wheelchair whenever we wanted to go someplace. Although I have to say all of the bellman were very, very sweet. Always asking how she was doing, fetching her pillows for her feet and other obsequious behaviors! She enjoyed all the attention but not being wheeled around.

This morning she was able to open the door by herself while managing the walker.

We chose the outside deck for this morning's coloring session.

It overlooks the garden and pools with lovely cool jazz music piped outside. We each "splurged" and had some pop. It still comes in bottles down here. 

After about 30 minutes the rain started. It was earlier than usual but very pleasant to listen to protected under the translucent roof but then the wind shifted and we started to get wet so we had to move inside. 

Another step forward today was she actually did her own dishes! Look at that smile on her face!

And she refilled her own water bottle with ice! 

I had the bellman take away the awful, humiliating wheelchair! It is no longer needed! Good by!
Marcia used the walker the rest of the morning! Improving by leaps and bounds!
And if that wasn't enough she graduated to using a cane this afternoon!

Look out! She's dangerous with that thing. If you get in her way she gives you a good whack with it! 
What have we done? We've created a monster!
She also practiced her physical therapy by walking 2 flights down and back up by herself only aided by the cane. All this only one week after having her knee replaced!

Our late afternoon coloring session was held in the main lobby listening to the piano.

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